
How much did I earn in January 2012?

Below you can see that I have earned 247.45$. That means that I have sold 707 books. (707 x 0.35$ = 247.45$). Because my price of book is below 2.99$ Amazon gives me only 35% of royalty (0.35 cents per book). If my price of book would be 2.99$ then I would gain 75% of royalty (2.24$ per book).

Not bad for the beginner. I’m very proud that 14.000 new readers have uploaded the book: Only the Strongest Survive in one day. In because of that the next day I have sold about 200 books for 0.99$. And the day after about 150 pieces. And so on.
You must understand that if you sell so many books (even for free) in one day, then you have positive consequences for the whole week. Amazon has a computer system that rates you higher and consequently you sell more books.

Imagine how much would I have earned if the sell price of my book would be 2.99$. In that case I would earn about 2.24$ per book.

Here is the calculation:

707 books x 2.24 $ = 1.584 USD

But I have decided to work on readership. Here is an interesting article about pricing the e-book: LINK

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